My Message

"Sometimes... just sometimes something is so good you just want to shout and celebrate... and this blog is not that"

'Tom Green: March 6th 2014'

Sunday 2 March 2014

#4 Dem Batman blues

Morrning everyone!,
i was going to post last night around 12:30 but i said 'cba i will do it in the morning' and that time is now!

So right now im posting from my phone! its a Samsung Galexy Y from 2 or 3 years ago. So how do you like it? i dont think you can tell the difference but it is taking a lot longer. Im posting from my phone purely because my laptop is downstairs also i would need to turn it on aswell so im not going down there.

So last episode i said 'yeah, so batman arkam origins arrived' and after that i said nothing of it. (for previous players) i was on the 'final offer' and it had been pretty buggy up to now so im climbing up a spiral of ledges then when im up im looking around and cant see were to go. so i restart the mission, get there then find out it dosent work so i decide to RESTART the game get there, and i was quite deep in, then i cant get any further than last time so I RESTART AGAIN!, so i got to the same point again cant find the way forroward SO FINNALY
i look at a walkthrough and find a little ledge!

that's all I got so talk to you tomorrow same time same place,
Subscribe if you enjoy!

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