My Message

"Sometimes... just sometimes something is so good you just want to shout and celebrate... and this blog is not that"

'Tom Green: March 6th 2014'

Friday 7 March 2014

#10 Why is it so hot?

Morning all,
I say morning because im writing this at 11:30 so i guess i will have this posted at mid-night. so i its late and ive had a LOT of caffine so lets get going!

so im still feeling a little bit bad still because if you have not read previous blogs then firstly: READ THEM! secondly: i was ill and i am still in the aftermath of it.

otherwise today not much has happened but i had to go to town! *groans* and redo my passport (sarcasticly)! *shootsself* i had to do it but it wasted a hour of my day.
Also ive been OUTSIDE! I can tell your confused but incase you dont live in brittan or are really un-observent its sunny! earlier in the day i was happy and enjoying the weather but now... im so hot!
were in Brittan!
the weather should be horrible!

so again the content is lacking today but tommorow i will be going out and then i have a rellated 'funny' story
by the way: i didnt post yesterday because i posted on wednesday as extra content so toke a break.

that's all I got so talk to you tomorrow same time same place,
Subscribe if you enjoy!

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