My Message

"Sometimes... just sometimes something is so good you just want to shout and celebrate... and this blog is not that"

'Tom Green: March 6th 2014'

Friday 14 March 2014

#13 See y'a round!

So you may have seen the title and thought 'hes a quiter, giving up already' but actully im going out for the weekend. So im going backpacking for the weekend so i may or may not (Ooo) be posting tomorrow. So if you really want to hear about my experience then read my blog tomorrow or sunday (16th of March 2014) so look forrward to that.
Sorry, i didn't blog yesterday and i know you can i go on about it i'm sorry i felt it was time to take a break and i needed a break to get some quality content up today.

So today... i did my back in!
1 day before i have to carrie 60 litres worth of food/frying pans? so i, being a drama queen (in the most manley way) ,will be a jerk to be with tommorow. Ive just looked at the time and its 11:30 pm so im going to be in a horrible mood kept up till 2am by load lads.

So, i prepose a contest...
who ever can get the most people to comment on my posts will get a shout-out of there choosing [webpages, facebook ect:]
so tell your people you force to look at the abomination to literature to leave your G+ name.

that's all I got so talk to you tomorrow same time same place,
Subscribe if you enjoy!

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