My Message

"Sometimes... just sometimes something is so good you just want to shout and celebrate... and this blog is not that"

'Tom Green: March 6th 2014'

Thursday 27 February 2014

#2 Sex Ed incident and Wednesday Breaks

Evening / morning, whatever,
ANNONCMENT: Sorry guys I forgot I told you I can post everyday I CANT do Wednesdays so sorry about yesterday but anyone to the main chat.

So today is SEX-ED DAY!,
You may thing is this guy a Pervert?, No
Is he some sort of crazed sex obsesse?, No
We miss *drum roll*..............................................................*still drum rolling*...................................................................................................*You may thing its ridiculous*......... SPANISH!

SPANISH MOST BORING LESSON EVER!, so I am walking to school with a skip in my step all groovy then I arrive... step into the room... see the glum faces and ask "So who died?", someone replies "I wish it was me" then im told it.. its CANCELLED,


So drama over it terns out that the teacher came in with 'Man Flu' which as a 'small' man I know that's just an excuse for sympathy. He said he would TIRE OUT! Excuse me? so he's saying showing us putting a Com-Dom on a banana will make him tired! probably the most ironic thing is he's a P.E (Phys Ed) teacher in his late 30's so he should be back up on is his feat and teaching us what a penis does instead of chilling in the staff lounge.

One of the worst parts is the girls did there's yesterday and apparently its a hilarious experience. On the plus side a group with a few of my mates in misted it because the teacher, Mr Sucksmith ( Honestly that's is name you cant make that stuff up), was also ill so they felt the pain of Spanish as well,

ok that's all I got so talk to you tomorrow same time same place,
Subscribe if you enjoy!

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