My Message

"Sometimes... just sometimes something is so good you just want to shout and celebrate... and this blog is not that"

'Tom Green: March 6th 2014'

Monday 24 November 2014




Wow its been almost a year since I promised and I quote "I will post every Friday" well, that went well.

So its a brand new do-over for my blog. its still going to be your mildly amusing top-up of all things comical, with a twist. News. You heard of it? well there's going to be a funny news section where I talk about the more 'Funny' side of the worlds news so I will start that later in this post. So the main reason to start up this dead blog is... I want to create joy. Even if I spend 4 years writing to the internet and in all that time just one person sniggers  or merely chuckles at this then I will be happy.(I just thought I would mention this was not intended on being funny just an update)

Funny News:
Man sets "Masturbate mode" off on his new prosthetic arm on a French chat show:

So this is 3 days old, and while having a interview on the Le Dézapping a French chat show a unknown Hero? Warrior? Heavy Masturbator? Whatever. He is demonstrating a his new prosthetic lib when he hit the wrong button ands starts going at it like a monkey in a mango tree.

This is most likely fake as the on the lefts hair, looks like a mop from QVC. ( I later found that it was a hoax)

By the way I wrote a 2 page blog about what had gone on but never closed it so I tried

Anyway that's all I have time for right now but see you around,
Thanks for reading?
come back and follow me for more,
Tom Green,

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